Grow. Buy one e book, any e book, that you believe could perhaps in point of fact help you get well your life. Read it. Schedule time equally day and consider this an investment on your carrying on with education and self advancement. Just as office training is imperative so that you could stay at the prime of your field, personal improvement and empowerment is significant on your life.
So today-correct now, opt to grow to be an Energy Banker. Use the following action steps and luxuriate in resultseasily that will pay incredible dividends and offer you a rich, rewarding and energetic life.
Fuel up your life. Go to my fuel for you page and do the simple 15 action steps on that page.
I receive many emails and phone calls from people all over the world which are looking to discover their energy, happiness and light. Many of these emails include stories of burn out, stress, fatigue and procrastination. I hear comments such as, "You know, I really sought after to come to see you communicate but I just didn't have the energy to come to your energy seminar." Or someone will come up to me and say, "I've really sought after to get your e book, but I've just been so busy and tired," or "I have your free 10 day plan but I just can not seem to discover the time to commence it."
Take Stock. Take out a sheet of paper, on one facet make a listing of things that drain your energy such as negative people, poor eating habits, lack of sufficient sleep, lack of activity, anger, resentment, concern, and stress. On the other facet make a listing of things that increase your energy such as the things that carry you happiness on your life, positive people, activity, your favourite song, nutritious foods, and perhaps even your favourite place. Make a conscious choice to remove the energy drainers and invest more on the energy boosters.
While I have numerous compassion for these people because I truly understand how busy and tired they are, I also want to energize them and say, "YOU MUST INVEST A LITTLE ENERGY TO CREATE MORE ENERGY." You must think of yourself as an Energy Banker and invest your energy in which you will see the biggest returns. Whether it is my e book, Wayne Dyer's books, or an additional e book that will energize you-make the investment. It's worth the $15-$20. The difficulty is that most individuals would rather spend $15-$20 on a few double lattes, energy drinks, donuts and cans of soda... then wonder why they do not have any energy. We get so caught up in the extraordinary rat race that we do not realise the time and energy we waste on poor energy investments. We say we do not have time to get well our lives and yet we take the similar amount of time it would take to get well our life complaining about not having time. We want the quick repair but quick fixes never work. Just like in banking, if it sounds too good to be true... it almost definitely is. Investing on your energy takes a little time, a little energy, and a simple choice to speculate in positive people, positive habits, and positive mindsets that offer you sustained sources of energy.
Be Smart Investor. Every day you'll come across situations that can either be a good energy investment or a nasty one. Before you act, take a moment to think about your personal energy account. Are you about to make a deposit or a withdrawal?
Eat for ENERGY. Visit my archived newsletter page at to view past newsletters with recommendations for eating foods that will increase your energy.
Becoming an Energy Banker is not complicated. Making small, consistent energy investments equally day is the key to lengthy term success just as a $five dollar a day monetary investment presents you with a few million dollars in 20- 30 years. Start slow, pace yourself, and be smart with your investments. Like the first brick laid in building a enormous high rise, your energy is the foundation of your life. Make simple, small energy investments equally day and watch your health, happiness, and success compound with improvement greater than you ever imagined.
Ask my chums at Wachovia Bank in Florida what it means to be an Energy Banker and they are going to have the functionality to sound off the answer quicker than this week's mortgage and CD rates. I recently gave a seminar to a hundred and fifty of their employees and they learned that how we invest our energy is even more important than how we invest our cash. Because if we do not have the energy to stand up and about it does not matter how much cash we have in the bank. Money can not make your life pleasing if you don't have the energy to enjoy it.